KY15 5DT Postcode Location Details & Properties

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Mallika Basu - Reviewed By Amy O'Brien

This article lists all information about KY15 5DT postcode, such as Residential Properties, Schools, and nearby places. Other information listed are property sales data, trends, estimated property prices, etc.

It also covers Mailing address Info, Location Information, Map and directions, and Administrative details. You also get various information from the census like population, poverty, health index, etc.


KY15 5DT is a residential postcode in N/A, N/A. KY15 5DT postcode is currently an active postcode. You can use the postcode to send mail within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean. According to the 2011 census, KY15 5DT has 28 properties within its service area. KY15 5DT is located in Cupar, Fife region with center coordinates 56.31358300, -3.03246200.

The population of KY15 5DT postcode is 71, and all individuals are eligible to receive mail through Royal Mail Service.

Postcode belongs to KY postcode Area, KY15 District, and KY15 5 postcode Sector.

Sample Mailing Address For KY15 5DT Postcode
#House No/Name,
CUPAR , Fife , KY15 5DT

Geography And Location Details

Latitude 56.31358
Longitude -3.03246
Northing 713943
Easting 336228
Altitude 65 Meters
Grid Reference Code NO362139
Plus Code 9C8R8X79+C2
Distance To Sea 6.41 mi

KY15 5DT postcode has center coordinates [56.31358,-3.03246]. Altitude reading for the postcode is 65 Meters above sea level. The postcode location can also be represented using #NO362139 National grid reference number.

History And Statistics

Introduced 2006-09-01
Last Updated December 2023
Mail Frequency Low (Postcode Recieves < 25 Mail per day)
Postcode Range Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

This Royal mail postcode was first introduced and became servicable in 2006-09-01. Total number of mails recieved in KY15 5DT is less than 25 mails per day. Mails getting delivered may take longer than normal as per Royal Mail records. Postcode range is limited to one specified apartment or building exactly at specified lat,long.

Census Statistics

Households 23
Population 71
Rural / Urban Accessible small town
Poverty Ratio (IOMD)
5170 / 6962
Census Output Area S00111500
Built Up Area N/A
Built Up SubDivision N/A
Lower Layer Output Super Area Bow of Fife Tarvit and Balgarvie
Middle Layer Output Super Area Cupar West and Springfield

This location is a accessible small town. According to 2011 census, 74.26% of the people in KY15 5DT is below poverty.

Components Of Postcode

Postcode Area KY
Postcode District KY15
Postcode Sector KY15 5

Adminstration And Postcode Areas

Country Scotland
County N/A
District Fife
Ward Cupar
Parish N/A
Local Authority N/A
Constituency North East Fife
Region Scotland
ITL Level 2 Eastern Scotland
ITL Level 3 Clackmannanshire and Fife

Amenities Available In KY15 5DT

Work Place

Nearby Work Area St Andrews and Cupar

Railway Station

Station Cupar
Distance To Station 0.94 mi

Police Stations

Police Station Distance
Police Scotland,
Waterend Rd, Cupar KY15 5HB, UK
1.62 km

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Scotland
Water Company Scottish Water
Sewage Company N/A

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Bell Baxter High School KY15 4HY

Properties in KY15 5DT

Property Sales In KY15 5DT

Demographic of property sales [1995-2023]

Latest Property Sales Value

Data Not Available

Public Transport Near KY15 5DT

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
Drum Road
The Drum (opp), Westfield Avenue, Cupar
76.11 metres
Drum Road
The Drum (adj), Westfield Avenue, Cupar
78.45 metres
George Govan Road
The Drum (adj 57), George Govan Road, Cupar
260.40 metres
James Inglis Crescent
The Drum (adj 22), James Inglis Crescent, Cupar
304.59 metres
Bell Baxter High School
Bell Baxter High School (Stance 15), Carslogie Road, Cupar
419.63 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Cupar Rail Station
1.51 km
Springfield Rail Station
2.41 km
Ladybank Rail Station
7.11 km
Leuchars Rail Station
10.98 km
Markinch Rail Station
13.93 km


Airport Location Distance
Dundee City Airport
15.66 km

Taxi Stands

Stand Location Distance
Corn Exchange Taxi Rank
Corn Exchange (Adj Corn Exchange), Castlehill, Cupar
1.49 km

Companies Located Near KY15 5DT



Beechgrove House, 1 Beechgrove Rise, Trynlaw, Cupar, KY15 5DT



15 Beechgrove Rise, Cupar, Scotland KY15 5DT



21 Beechgrove Rise, Cupar, Scotland KY15 5DT



Cupar Muir, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5SL



3 Drum Well, Cupar Muir, Cupar, Scotland KY15 5SR



Spruce Gardens Cuparmuir Spruce Gardens, Cupar Muir, Cupar, United Kingdom KY15 5WN

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near KY15 5DT

ALLAN, Brian Charles

ALLAN, Brian Charles Health, Safety & Environmental Consultant

Beechgrove House, 1, Beechgrove Rise, Trynlaw, Cupar, Scotland KY15 5DT

ALLAN, Elizabeth

ALLAN, Elizabeth None

Beechgrove House, 1, Beechgrove Rise, Trynlaw, Cupar, Scotland KY15 5DT

NICOLL, William

NICOLL, William Retired

7, Beechgrove Rise, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5DT

TAYLOR, Stephanie

TAYLOR, Stephanie

22, Beechgrove Rise, Cupar, Fife, Scotland KY15 5DT

ROSS, Steven

ROSS, Steven Pilot

21, Beechgrove Rise, Cupar, United Kingdom KY15 5DT

ROSS, Jan Isobel

ROSS, Jan Isobel Orthoptist

21, Beechgrove Rise, Cupar, Scotland KY15 5DT


MELVILLE, Frances Provost Fife

Upper Benault, Commerce Street, Cuparmuir, Fife, KY15 5QR

THADDEUS, Alexandra Fiona

THADDEUS, Alexandra Fiona Hairdresser

10, Tyrnlaw Gardens, Cuparmuir, Cupar, Fife, United Kingdom KY15 5QS

GORDON, Peter Mitchell, Reverend

GORDON, Peter Mitchell, Reverend Rtd Church Of Scot Minister

Machrie, 3 Cupar Road, Cuparmuir, Cupar, KY15 5RH


THOMSON, Gordon Director

Ferrybank Cottage, Cupar Road, Cupar Muir, Cupar, Scotland KY15 5RH

Other Postcodes Nearby

Postcode Distance from KY15 5DT
(In Meters)
KY15 5SL 786.61
KY15 5QR 777.29
KY15 5WN 816.04
KY15 5QP 700.26
KY15 5RH 639.97
KY15 5QS 602.08
KY15 5RJ 546.13
KY15 5SR 497.16
KY15 5AE 381.96
KY15 5DZ 623.13

Frequently Asked Questions

You can send mail to anyone living in KY15 5DT through Royal Mail Service.

  • Copy the sample address and add property name/number to it.
  • if required add the recipient's name.
  • You can also browse the list of properties to find out the exact address.
  • Once you have noted down the address write it down on your To section of the envelope.
  • Drop the envelope in your nearest post office.

To calculate distance between your current location and KY15 5DT just follow this link

Find all schools near the postcode listed in the schools section of this article.

Its located in N/A, N/A. View the map section for more details.

There are 23 properties in KY15 5DT as per Royal mail database.

To get directions to reach KY15 5DT follow this link.